"Well, the director is responsable for making sure that the storyboard,
which is like a comic strip and road map for the individual cartoon
episode, is clear and well staged. That the acting, expressions, gestures
and posing of the characters is correct and ready to hand off to the
animators. The director also figures out the overall length, pacing and
timing of the episode and may give hopefully humorous suggestions for
"gags" within the cartoon."
Question 2: What are some of your fondest moments working on
"The crew on Catdog was funny and fun and I guess memories of working with
them as a group are my fondest memories."
Question 3: Which episode(s) did you enjoy working on most, and
"My personal favorites were the Sumo episode, because it was silly. "Diamond Fever" because it had a "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" theme and that's one of my favorite movies. And, "Seige on Fort Catdog" because the quality of the animation ended up so looking so good."
"The ones that sticks in my mind were the Egyptian one ( sorry I can't remember the titles ), and the one where they are lost at sea in a dumpster in a fog shrouded fountain."
"My favorites were Winslow, because he is such an evil and malicious little guy. Rancid, because he's such an evil and malicious big guy. And Lube because he is so stupid. Sorry to say I didn't have the opportunity to develop any of the characters because they were completed by the time I came on board. I do know that I developed numerous quirks working on the series however, like a twitch I can't seem to get rid of and this rash."
"Sure, they gave us lot's of stuff like that, I'm drinking my coffee right
now out of a Catdog mug."
Question 7: How many hrs a day was spent working on the show?
Did you ever pull all nighters?
"Animation is a crazy business generally and your life pretty much goes on
hold when in production. I did pull a few long nights, but I can't remember
any all-nighters. I try and structure my life so that doesn't happen any
more, I'm getting too old for that."
Question 8: What is your favorite CatDog "mystery"?
"I don't know if it qualifies as a "mystery", but I enjoyed working on the one where they tear the house apart waiting for their family reunion that ends up not happening because the house has been destroyed. The one with the sandwich monster was fun too, but the ending was too bizarre."
"Nope, animation only."
Question 10: When did you realize you wanted to go into the
animation field? Have you been drawing ever since you were
a child? Do you have any special art, university degrees?
"I've been drawing since I can remember and entered the biz when I was 18 as
an apprentice in-betweener. I'm strictly "school of hard knocks"."
Question 11: For those out there with desire to get into the
animation business, what advice would you give them?
"Draw, draw, draw! Be persistent and be patient."
Question 12: Is there anything else you would like to say to
your fans about your Catdog experience, or in general?
"It's been a pleasure working on Catdog and I appreciate all of the good
will and new friends that it has generated. Please watch "Ed, Edd & Eddy"
on Cartoon Network, the series I'm working on now and look for "Kameleon
Kid" on the new season of "Oh Yeah!" on Nick, which I did with my partner
Jaime Diaz last year."
**Thank you so much Mr. Mooney for taking the time to do this
interview. Your fans appreciate it very much.
Siege On Fort CatDog | Workforce | Diamond Fever | Mush Dog Mush! | Armed And Dangerous | Fistful of Mail(SD) |
Escape From the Deep End | The Collector(SD) | Full Moon Fever(SD) | War of CatDog | CatDog's End(SD) | Safety Dog(SD) |
Dog Come Home(SD) | Nightmare | New Neighbors(SD) | Dead Weight(SD) | Neferkitty(SD) | Curiousity Almost Killed the Cat(SD) |
New Leash On Life(SD) | Just Say CatDog Sent Ya(SD) | All About Cat(SD) | Trespassing(SD) | Fishing For Trouble(SD) | Dog the Mighty(SD) |
Adventures in Greaser Sitting(SD) | Cat Diggety Dog | CatDog Divided both (AD & SD) | The Unnatural | Nine Lives(SD) | Winslow's Home Videos |
Sneezie Dog(SD) | Climb Every CatDog(SD) | Guess Who's Going to be Dinner | CatDog Campers | Dog Power(SD) | It's a Jungle in Here!(SD) |
Sumo Enchanted Evening | Rodeo CatDog | Talking Turkey | Extra! Extra! | Royal Dog | Stunt CatDog |